Olivier Palatre Architect





Our best satisfaction index: optimum use for spaces that are 100% profitable for all individuals. Well-being, comfort and functionality above all!

Throughout all our projects, we favour spaces left to the appropriation of individuals, we make the use of roofs feasible, we advocate constant animation with a programmatic mix and we facilitate living together by promoting social and generational diversity.

Our plans are characterized by modular and atypical places, with a strong adaptability and a reversibility in time linked to the change of destination of the building or to the evolution of the users.

For the dwellings, we wish to share and isolate at the same time, thus incorporating the degrees of private, semi-private and public intimacy, necessary for a comfortable life.


Béthune Multiplex

Béthune Multiplex

Etoile voltaire

Etoile voltaire

65-unit housing complex

65-unit housing complex

Max Jacob

Max Jacob

Eden cinema

Eden cinema

Colysée apartment

Colysée apartment

Les Ulis cinema

Les Ulis cinema

Splendor of the Han

Splendor of the Han